Friday, 27 April 2012

Learning Dedicated Server

By Maragaret Peretz

When you have a virtual private dedicated server, you have basically one server computer that will be controlling several other servers. This can let each of the servers to be independent and run its computer without having to be too dependent on the main server. This server hosting has one main server that can handle the entire system including rebooting of each server.

Actually, this server hosting has been discovered and used a long time ago by the computers before. However, the hosting today has had a lot of improvements in its functioning so serve a lot better. Actually, this virtual server hosting is somewhat bridging the gap between the services of both dedicated server hosting and shared web hosting. Virtual server hosting has many advantages and the biggest perhaps is that it is cheap compared to dedicated server.

The virtual server hosting always make it a point that the clients will have total control over their system while the hosting will have a copy of the entire system. You can definitely make some installments of software in the virtual server hosting for as long as it is compatible. It can be possible that software may not yield compatible with the operating system used. Firewalls can be example of this matter. At times, you have to make sure that the company provides a complete package of the server hosting like antivirus and firewalls so that there will no more installing by the client himself.

As of today, there is a tremendous rise in the number of clients who are going for virtualization. The virtualization is being operated in one machine. This hosting can have limited space, RAM, and processor time. Honeypots is the term usually made to employ these servers. The machine can run in purpose because of the honey pots. The other servers will not be affected in any way. The setting up of the virtual private servers can be possibly done in order to create many honey pots.

There are important questions you have to ask when you look for a virtual server hosting firm. If you have finalized your mind then you can surely land on a choice.

Ask for the different descriptions of the host server including details on its CPU, RAM, and network.

How many possible servers can a host server manage and control?

How is the resource contention being handled? This means that what will possibly happen if the other servers on the host server are all running the processes in CPU/RAM-intensive?

Can you point out if there is any minimum or least possible amount of usage which the network, CPU and RAM can have? If yes then how much minimum usage will it has?

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