Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Is Your Information Secure?

By Daniel Turbin

If you are an entrepreneur, you indubitably know how critical the flow of good info is to your success, but what kind of time have you spent, truly, guaranteeing that your info is secure and you have technology in place to guard your business?

For many people, particularly tiny, often harried business owners, the notion of doing more than just the basics to protect your information is given a brief thought , at the best. Who has the time, after all? There are one thousand other details to attend to simply to keep all the wheels of your business spinning, and for most protection from hacking isn't considered in concrete terms. Sadly , it's all too often the case that little thought is given to the impacts a successful hacking attack can have on your business till it's too late. Until it happens to you.

Don't be that person. Even if you should happen to feel as if you are much too pushed to make more than a token effort at data protection, if your whole business comes smashing down around you as you failed to take the time, then where will you be? All your plans to that point will have been for nothing.

The basics of information security are fairly easy and simple. There are several off the shelf packages ( pro grade pathogen scanners, firewalls, and such like ) that will at least put you on the trail, but don't make the gaffe of thinking that tossing 1 or 2 pieces of software at the problem will provide solutions to it for you.

That's a good beginning, but honestly, unless you really focus on the issue, those kinds of ad hoc efforts will do little more than slow a purposeful hacker down for a bit. It may buy you time, however it won't , by itself, buy you security.

For that, you need the help of a trained professional, and if you have not done so already, I urge you to consider the idea of speaking to a trained security advisor. Arrange for an audit of your system. Prepare for it to be stress tested in ridicule attacks. This is the sort of real world test which will quickly exhibit where the openings are in your corporation's data security, and then, equipped with that info, you will be in a position to do something to correct whatever issues are found.

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