Sunday, 1 December 2013

How To Store Your Boat Properly This Winter With The Help Of St. Petersburg Marinas

By Jay Dy

Many boat owners in states with temperate climates tend to be lax when it comes to preparing their vessels for wintertime. This can prove costly, since a cold spell, even one lasting a day or so, can cause damage to a boat that is not properly cared for. St. Petersburg Marinas can help owners store their vessels properly and thus help avoid loss, damage and the hassle of insurance claims.

In parts of the country that suffer cold winters, storing boats ashore is the norm. In warmer states, the decision to store ashore or in the water is more open to personal preference. Perhaps the main advantage of keeping a vessel sea-bound is ease of re-commissioning.

Many owners however prefer onshore storage since this is overall the safer option. One obvious but huge advantage is that a land-stored vessel can't sink. Reclaiming a sunken vessel is a massive and expensive task which is of course best avoided. Significant numbers of craft sink each year due to thru-hulls that have been left open.

Vessels that are kept in the water must have their seacocks closed to make them watertight. Only those serving the cockpit drains should be left open. Should there be any thru-hulls below the waterline that cannot be closed, then the vessel will have to be stored ashore.

With regard to fiberglass hulled vessels, on-shore storage has the advantage of keeping them exposed to air and thus reducing the risk of blistering. These unsightly blemishes develop when water seeps beneath the hull's gelcoat and penetrates the first layer or so of fiberglass composite. They can be up to a few inches in size and are a most unwelcome (and expensive) development for any owner.

In general, preparing a boat for winter need not be a difficult undertaking. St. Petersburg Marinas can help owners do it the right way and ensure their vessels remain safe and ready for the next season. If they are in any doubt about what to do, experienced staff are always on hand to give advice.

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