Monday, 6 January 2014

Top 4 Iphone Apps Of 2013

By Jason Larrsohn

In a world where apps seem to be taking over, it is extremely important that you find the best apps for your needs. Beyond the variety of apps available, there are also a variety of devices from which you can use these apps. By finding the best apps for you and your needs, you will be able to increase your productivity, and improver your ability to succeed.

Instagram If you haven't jumped on the bandwagon yet, then it might be time that you finally do. With Instagram, you can share photos with all of your friends or browse photos that your own friends have put onto Instagram.

But what were some of the most influential, most successful, and best apps of 2013? A list that comprises the best apps of 2013 could be as subjective as it is long, but the following four apps have earned enough respect in popular and professional circles to merit special mention as four of the best apps of 2013. Tweetbot

Google Chrome If you haven't already made the switch, you are definitely going to want to. Google Chrome is by far the best browser you can have on your phone. From the connectivity you get through signing in with your Google account to the simplicity and awe that you get when using it, you are absolutely going to want to make sure that you replace what you are using and download Google Chrome.

The next thing you should keep in mind as you take into account the benefits of different types of phones is Operating Systems. Apple products tend to have less problematic apps because their systems are limited to just a few sizes and capabilities. This limitation may seem like a bad thing, but in reality, it can be hugely beneficial.

With Fantastical 2, a person can easily access their daily schedules and edit them with such simplicity that now scheduling appointments and other duties is no longer the burdensome additional task it use to be. With built-in reminders and a friendly interface that allows for quick scheduling and view, Fantastical 2 has won over many in 2013.

No phone is complete without some good games to go with it. Castle Clash is definitely an addicting game that you won't want to put down. With amazing reviews, Castle Clash allows you to build up your fortress and even fight other fortresses that other android users have built. If you are into plundering and conquest then this is definitely an app for you. The Next Great App

Gneo Next and last on the list is another organizational app named Gneo. The Gneo app has earned its place on this list of most successful iPhone apps of 2013 because, in the vast sea of to-do list apps, this one has risen to the surface with its simplicity in design, easy in use, and the full set of organizational tools and features it supports. These were just four of the most influential apps of 2013, but there are many, many more that have been developed and implemented during the past year that have shaped daily life, driven business, and empowered individual consumers.

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