Sunday, 4 February 2018

Will Artificial Intelligence Pricing Software Companies Market Markers?

By Stephanie Rogers

Due to over-regulation in the Financial Planning Sector most CFP (Certified Financial Planners) cannot afford to take clients who have less than $500,000 in net worth. This now leaves a huge gap in the market and means most in the Middle Class are left in the cold. The following article will lead us through the theme Will artificial intelligence pricing software companies market markers?

Once the data has been captured and arranged in this way, through a process known as "Extract, Transformation, and Load" (ETL), it can be passed through a further stage of processing that generates a "Cube." The Cube, in this context, is another highly optimized form of storage in which the Dimensionally Modelled data can be pre-aggregated and cross-mapped for efficient retrieval and presentation to the user, who can enjoy parsing data at many levels of summarization moving quickly between almost limitless varieties of analysis.

Activities such as setting up multi-dimensional charts of data summary (known as "slicing and dicing") or moving to lower levels of detail and back again to highly summarized versions (known as drill-down and drill-up), using tools to create graphical representations of the Cube data, with a great many formats from which to choose.

Of course, these RoboAdvisors can then show how well they've done in hindsight by the increased market value of stocks and bonds that they've recommended. See the problem yet? Worse, less sophisticated low net worth investors have no idea what's happening and assume everything is peachy, even if these systems are developing bubbles in the market and distorting free-market balances needed for the markets to be successful.

Consider if you will the challenges with high-frequency trading and all the havoc those AI run algorithms have caused; flash crashes, stock market stop gaps, and torched corporate shareholder equity in minutes. Will RoboAdvisors give us more of the same? No, it will be a slow bubble build, but they will distort the market.

Why did all this happen? It started with over-regulation, do-gooder regulators, Wall Street lobbyists, and wire house fraudulent practices over time. The problem now is the overkill and overstepping the bounds of financial market regulations has caused future challenges. No, that's not unexpected either, we've watched government regulators do dumb things in the past and the law of unintended consequences results - that is all too common.

Are we watching these RoboAdvisors and paying attention to these rapid changes in the financial advisor sector. Human advisors are over-regulated rather than just outlawing unsafe investment vehicles like high-commission annuities, and other high-risk investments as Wall Street attempts to sell the crap to the fishes, little investors.

From their long heritage of back-breaking land work, people seeking to earn a regular (monetary) income flocked to grasp the many new (but equally back-breaking) factory jobs that emanated from the urban sprawl of gleaming red-bricked labyrinths, which housed these awesome machines. Industrial empires were spawning all over and wealthy (already) magnates-to-be, stepped up to invest, build and rule over them.

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